This blog was originally dedicated to update my friends and family on the details of my recovery from a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). I later began writing myself and now use this blog to document my journey through life with a spinal cord injury.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Another Inspiring Letter

You heard Carson say how much he loved everyone's letters in the video we posted yesterday, I wasn't kidding, he REALLY likes them! There have been so many that have helped him stay positive and that have boosted his faith. We've had a number of people write him about the times when Carson influenced him the most. There have been many, many people whose faith has been heavily influenced by Carson's, before and after the accident. Last night, when we visited with Carson he said that we needed to read this letter. We looked through almost the entire stack of letters to find it, and it was well worth the search. I wish I could share all of the letters that Carson has enjoyed, but we would have well over 200 pages worth of text. This one stuck out to Carson, so I thought I'd share it with you all. 

"Dearest Carson,
I found your blog through an LDS lady's Facebook who used to watch my son while I worked. She has always been an amazing lady, so I thought that I should check out the link... and can I just tell you how incredibly touched I am reading it all! I was raised LDS, but fell away during my abusive marriage. I was angry and disappointed at God and many people in the church that I had kept all of my covenants, but the eternal marriage I had been promised fell to a million terrible pieces the moment our sealing was over and tore my life apart. I left the church several years ago, and have never looked back..... until now. While I was reading your blog, the spirit was so overwhelming that I couldn't help but cry. I haven't felt the spirit in a very long time, and as a single mother I want my son to feel the spirit, but it's hard to teach him how to when I don't feel it myself.. You are an amazing man who has an incredible gift to touch others, even when you are at your lowest point. I wish I had had that strength to keep on keeping on, and serve the Lord out of habit, as you do. Even though my heart hurts for you and your current struggle, I want to tell you that I also feel comfort that no matter what, Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.. and you are fufilling a purpose no one in this world could fulfill. I know for a fact that part of that was touching my heart, and helping open my heart and mind to God again. Thank you. Even though I don' t know you, my son and I are so grateful for you and your incredible story. We hope you heal quickly, and that you recieve as much comfort and love that you give. God bless you."