This blog was originally dedicated to update my friends and family on the details of my recovery from a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). I later began writing myself and now use this blog to document my journey through life with a spinal cord injury.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Shout Out to the Nurses!

I just got back from the hospital. Carson was sleeping for most of the morning. Good news! I found a flaw in Carson! He snores!...even though its a tiny little snore, he still snores. I just wanted to make sure he was still human. The nurses and doctors are so helpful and supportive. They have even started to follow the blog, so here's a big shout out to them! 

There was about a half hour while Carson was awake. He wanted to see the blog, so we showed it to him. We read him a number of emails and comments that were made on the Facebook page. He says thanks! I'll be bringing a stack of letters to him this evening!